
The global IT industry and software engineering academia have over the years, fine-tuned many aspects of iterative software development process models. As a result, almost all large scale enterprise systems are now quite successfully built using agile, iterative software engineering processes that features small phases with significant feedback loops. Many global enterprises have further enhanced these successes with good return-on-investment by utilizing the specialized and optimized software development services provided by outsourced and often offshore-based providers. In contrast, many large-scale eGovernment solution implementations from around the world are procured and implemented according to a sequential software development process model, commonly known as the Waterfall Model. This phenomenon is primarily due to the nature of eGovernment solution procurement models. Nearly all such eGovernment procurement models dictate that comprehensive requirements have to be detailed out up-front. A solutions provider (vendor) is then procured by following a stringent process and is tasked with the implementation of the entire solution. This methodology is particularly prevalent in eGovernment solution implementation scenarios in developing countries, and unfortunately, such solutions tend to display a high rate of failure. This paper discusses an approach that leverages best practices in enterprise software engineering in order to improve the success and development speed of eGovernment solutions. This approach was successfully employed in a large-scale eGovernment initiative in Sri Lanka.

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