
Algorithms based on the process of natural evolution are widely used to solve multi-objective optimization problems. In this paper we propose the agent-based co-evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective portfolio optimization. The proposed technique is compared experimentally to the genetic algorithm, co-evolutionary algorithm and a more classical approach—the trend-following algorithm. During the experiments historical data from the Warsaw Stock Exchange is used in order to assess the performance of the compared algorithms. Finally, we draw some conclusions from these experiments, showing the strong and weak points of all the techniques.


  • The portfolio optimization problem is very important for every investor willing to risk their money in order to obtain potential benefits exceeding the average rate of profit of the capitalist economy.Before the 1950s, investors relied on common sense, experience or even premonitions in order to construct their portfolios

  • Algorithm 3: co-evolutionary multi-agent system (CoEMAS) pseudocode randomly INITIALIZE agents of two different sexes; foreach day do for round ← 1 to number_o f _rounds do foreach agent ∈ population do goal ← chooseGoal(); if goal is get resource perform actions hseek, geti leading to the realization of goal get resource end if goal is reproduce perform actions hseek, rep, rec, muti leading to the realization of goal reproduce end if goal is migrate perform action hmigi leading to the realization of goal migrate end end end end to Section 3.2, the mutation is used as a mean of maintaining the population diversity

  • In the second set of experiments we used the data from the year 2008—a year which was extremely hard for investors

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The portfolio optimization problem is very important for every investor willing to risk their money in order to obtain potential benefits exceeding the average rate of profit of the capitalist economy. The model of co-evolutionary multi-agent system (CoEMAS), developed in our previous papers, allows for using many different biologically and socially inspired computation and simulation techniques and algorithms within one coherent agent-based system. The multi-objective portfolio optimization problem is used as a testbed for assessing the agent-based co-evolutionary multi-objective algorithm and the proposed technique for maintaining population diversity. This is only a small fragment of much broader research aiming at the formulation of a general model of agent-based systems for computing and simulation, utilizing biologically and socially inspired techniques and algorithms. The last part of the paper includes the results of two types of experiments, discussion of the results, and conclusions

Multi-Objective Optimization
Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms
Maintaining Population Diversity in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms
Agent-Based Co-Evolutionary Algorithms
Previous Research
Genetic Algorithm
Fitness Function
Co-Evolutionary System
Maintaining Population Diversity
The Co-Evolutionary Multi-Agent System
CoEMAS Model
Trend Following
Types of Trends
Designing Trading System Based on Trend Following
Experimental Results
First Set of Tests
Short-Term Trend Results
Intermediate-Term Trend Results
Co-Evolutionary Algorithm
Second Set of Tests
Conclusions from the Second Set of Tests
Full Text
Paper version not known

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