
The aim of the "Lovotics" (Love + Robotics) research is to accomplish an amicable relationship between humans and robots to create a sentimental robotic system that is engaged in a reciprocal affective interaction with humans. This article will outline the part of the project focus which is to develop an affective audio system for Lovotics which will act as an active participant in a bidirectional nonverbal communication process with humans. This interactive audio system is capable of synthesizing real-time audio output based on eight parameters, namely, pitch, number of harmonics, amplitude, tempo, sound envelope, chronemics, proximity, and synchrony. In addition to the first five common parameters, we focused on comprehensive research and user testing on the chronemics, proximity, and synchrony (C.P.S. effect) and aimed to find out how these three factors enhance positive feelings in the human-robot interaction. These factors were determined through our study and were found to have a positive effect on the emotional interaction between humans and robots. Thus, an interactive feedback audio system is implemented which allows sentimental interaction between humans and robots. The aim of such a system is to offer new possibilities for exploring the concept and possibilities of human-robot love.

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