
An advanced light scattering model for Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRM) is presented. The model considers the specific TIRM geometry and deals with the scattering by an axisymmetric particle of arbitrary orientation placed in a stratified medium and the imaging of the scattered field. The scattered field is computed by truncating the scattered and internal field expansions and by using spherical and plane wave expansions for the free-space dyadic Green’s function. While the first expansion is valid outside a sphere enclosing the particle, the second one is valid outside the tangent planes bounding the particle from above and below. We demonstrate that in both cases, the results are the same, and thus, that the restrictive condition according to which the interface should not intersect the particle’s circumscribed sphere is not relevant. The image of the scattered field is computed by using the Debye diffraction integral and fast Fourier transform, while for a better reconstruction of the particle orientation, an image processing step consisting in a contour extraction and ellipse fitting is considered. The numerical simulations dealing with scattering by a prolate spheroid provide evidence of the remarkably sensitivity of the geometric parameters of the image ellipse to the particle orientation angles, as well as, of the integral response of the detector to the distance between the particle and the interface.

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