
Nowadays, the online platform has been used by many educational institutions, to conduct tests, especially for secondary to tertiary level students. The most popular online test program is run by providing a user id and password to the candidates, and subsequently, they log in to the given web page to answer the questions. However, this system has a lot of bugs, the password can be misused followed by cheating in the test. This shows the importance of a secure system being implemented to avoid such a problem. This paper presents a blockchain framework that secures the online examination system. The proposed framework has been used to secure a data management system that connects to existing educational data. Institutions can simply compile their data history without requiring a copy from the central servers. The proposed blockchain framework improves data security and removes any potential cheating between users or third-party institutions that access applications and services. In this regard, this study provides a secured framework for conducting and evaluating subject tests to ensure consistency between student and server, and secure delivery of questionnaire from the server.

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