
Abstract The exponential of an operator or matrix is widely used in quantum theory, but it sometimes can be a challenge to evaluate. For non-commutative operators ${\bf X}$ and ${\bf Y}$, according to the Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff-Dynkin theorem, ${\rm e}^{{\bf X}+{\bf Y}}$ is not equivalent to ${\rm e}^{\bf X}{\rm e}^{\bf Y}$, but is instead given by the well-known infinite series formula. For a Lie algebra of a basis of three operators $\{{\bf X,Y,Z}\}$, such that $[{\bf X}, {\bf Y}] = \kappa{\bf Z}$ for scalar $\kappa$ and cyclic permutations, here it is proven that ${\rm e}^{a{\bf X}+b{\bf Y}}$ is equivalent to ${\rm e}^{p{\bf Z}}{\rm e}^{q{\bf X}}{\rm e}^{-p{\bf Z}}$ for scalar $p$ and $q$. Extensions for ${\rm e}^{a{\bf X}+b{\bf Y}+c{\bf Z}}$ are also provided. This method is useful for the dynamics of atomic and molecular nuclear and electronic spins in constant and oscillatory transverse magnetic and electric fields.

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