
Achieving grasping tasks in real time with haptic feedback may require the control of a large number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) to model hand and finger movements. This is mandatory to grasp objects with dexterity. Here, a new device called HaptiHand is proposed that can be added to a haptic feedback arm and provide the user with enough DOFs so that he/she can intuitively and dexterously grasp an object, modify the virtual hand configuration and number of fingers with respect to the object while manipulating the object. Furthermore, this device is non-invasive and enables the user to apply forces on the fingers of the virtual hand. The HaptiHand lies inside the user’s hand so that the user can apply and release pressure on it in a natural manner that is transferred to the virtual hand using metaphors. The focus is placed on the description of the technology and structure of the HaptiHand to justify the choices and explain the behavior of the HaptiHand during object grasping and releasing tasks. This is combined with a short description of the models used.

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