
In this paper, we propose an adaptive fuzzy control traffic shaping scheme based on leaky bucket in order to solve the traffic congestion problem over wireless networks. It is found that backpressure algorithm is suitable for low traffic and, it prevents buffer overflows. When buffer exceeds the upper threshold, the source receives a backpressure signal and, it pauses sending frames until it receives a signal from the same server. In backoff time using leaky bucket over traffic shaping mechanism, it is suitable for high traffic, Backoff time computations are widely used in order to avoid the impact on the network performance whenever the increment of the offered load arises. The fluctuation of offered load will cause the congestion at waiting room. We propose a fuzzy control backpressure and backoff time in traffic shaping that aims at detecting violations in parameter negotiation. We evaluate and compare the performance of fuzzy backpressure and backoff time in traffic shaping schemes. The studied approaches are fuzzy backpressure and exponential backoff time (FBE), backpressure in leaky bucket (BP), and exponential backoff time (EB). The performance of fuzzy control backpressure and backoff time has been investigated through fluctuations in telecommunication traffic streams (burst/silent type). Simulation results show that on wireless frames, the fuzzy logic control scheme helps to improve the performance in traffic shaping schemes much better than conventional backpressure algorithm and exponential backoff time. This has been verified by testing various types of burst/silence traffic.

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