
In the real world, normal and abnormal behavior patterns vary depending on a given environment, which means that the abnormal behavior detection model should be customized. To address this issue, in this paper, we employ OS-ELM (Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine) and Autoencoder for adaptive abnormal behavior detection. First, state-transition probability tables of a target during an initial learning period are learned as normal behaviors. Then, Autoencoder-based anomaly detection is performed for the state-transition probability tables of subsequent time frames. The abnormal behavior detection model is updated by using OS-ELM algorithm every time a new probability table or behavior comes. The number of abnormal behavior detection instances is dynamically tuned to reflect the recent normal patterns or modes. Also, the table is compressed to reduce the computation cost. Evaluation results using a driving dataset of cars show that the proposed abnormal behavior detection accurately identifies normal and aggressive driving patterns with the optimal number of the abnormal behavior detection instances.

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