
The rapid growth of data presents a significant challenge to the capability of traditional storage technologies to collect and manage data. Cloud storage systems (CSSs) have been proposed as a method to improve storage capacity. To safely and effectively manage cloud storage data and improve data service quality, it is necessary to verify the correctness of CSS management programs. However, the complexity of these systems renders program verification difficult. In this paper, we propose a Hoare-style proof system, in conjunction with two languages, to analyze and verify CSS management programs. The first is a modeling language that describes the program execution. The second is an assertion language based on Separation Logic (SL), used to describe the properties of the CSS file-block-location storage structure. The proof system supports modular local reasoning for CSS programs by a set of adaptation rules, which enable the condition of specifications to be applied to broader contexts. A key question that arises is whether the proof system can meet adaptation completeness. If so, arbitrary satisfiable specifications can be adjusted using the adaptation rules. To this end, we developed local predicate transformers and used their domain to interpret all types of commands. By finding the smallest local predicate transformer, we established adaptation completeness. In summary, this work provides a formalization of automatic modular reasoning patterns and lays a theoretical foundation for the compositional program verification of CSSs.

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