
This paper analyzes two recent Korean immigrants’ ESL learning motivation using Dornyei’s (2009, The L2 motivational self-system. In Z. Dornyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self, pp. 9–42) Second Language (L2) Motivational Self-System, which is synthesized with Engestrom’s (1999, Activity theory and individual and social transformation. In Y. Engestrom, R. Miettinen, & R. Punamaki (Eds.), Perspectives on activity theory, pp. 19–38) Activity Theory (AT) framework. Over a 10-month period, the author conducted semi-structured monthly interviews and stimulated recall tasks. The findings of this case study suggest the following: (1) when sociocultural factors are mediated by L2 learners’ beliefs, these factors may directly influence learners’ ideal L2 self and ought-to L2 self; (2) learners’ sensitivity with inclusive attitudes can transform the L2 learning environment into meaningful affordances; and (3) if there is no tension among elements in individual’s AT system, the individual’s ideal L2 self can be maintained. From the Vygotskian AT perspective, this paper implies that affordances may positively affect maintenance of the ideal L2 self and the ought-to L2 self and that AT can function as a coherent framework for these two L2 selves.

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