
Accidents in which buses or coaches are involved cause thousands of injuries and fatalities every year. To reduce their number and severity, this paper describes an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) based on a haptic throttle pedal and emergency braking. It also proposes a computationally efficient algorithm with a methodology based on three main concepts: a simplified but accurate vehicle model, an efficient collision detection system considering the driver's intention and pedestrians wandering around the vehicle, and a risk evaluation system to generate warnings and emergency braking signals. Finally, the performance of the proposed ADAS is validated using a driving simulation cabin with a very realistic urban scenario and original elements from real buses. The results show a statistically significant improvement in safety, as the number of collisions and high-risk situations are clearly minimized, the reaction time to press the brake pedal is improved, and the time to collision increased in emergency situations. Implementation of the proposed ADAS into city buses would potentially improve safety, reducing the frequency and severity of accidents in pedestrians.

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