
AbstractSwarm robots often encounter dynamic obstacles when performing tasks, such as moving objects in the scene or other individuals in the robot group. The traditional passive obstacle avoidance method makes the robots take emergency avoidance behaviour when it is about to encounter obstacles. Hoverer this may destroy the group cooperation behaviour, thereby affecting the efficiency of the system. Active obstacle avoidance perceives a dynamic target and predicts the movement of the target and takes the initiative to avoid obstacles, minimizes the impact of obstacle avoidance on the system’s cooperative behaviour. Considering that the defects in the structural design of swarm robots and the avoidance strategy of swarm robots, it is necessary to focus on active obstacle avoidance of swarm robots that is based on the prediction of dynamic targets. An improved obstacle avoidance method is therefore proposed, which enables robots to avoid both static and dynamic obstacles.KeywordsDynamic target predictionSwarm robotsActive obstacle avoidance

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