
Narcissism is increasingly being regarded as one of the most serious sociocultural problemsof the contemporary era. Indeed, recent studies by Baldwin and Stroman (2007) and Buffardiand Campbell (2008), among others, have advanced the opinion that new media technologies– particularly social networking websites – have significantly exacerbated the rise and spread ofnarcissism in contemporary society. Based on this premise that social media provide the perfectplatform for the promotion of self-infatuation, this research paper provides a critical analysis of thepotential influence of social media in the development of a widespread narcissistic socioculturalcondition. In this regard, claims that increasingly consumerist, individualist and media-saturatedsocieties are nurturing a culture of extreme narcissism, vanity and entitlement are examined inrelation to an increase in the use of consumer-orientated new media technologies. In particular,by examining the structural components of the popular social networking site, Facebook,this research highlights the connection between the use of this form of new media and theengenderment of an acutely consumerist and narcissistic subjectivity. That is, the role of newmedia technologies in the promotion of narcissistic identity construction is examined as a factor ofparticular significance in the formation of contemporary subjectivity. In relation to this, the impactof online narcissism on the perpetuation and propagation of capitalist isolation, alienation andinsecurity is investigated before some remedial measures ‒ which co-opt rather than negate suchsocial media ‒ are proposed.

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