
Projections from the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) to the frontal cortex and the striatum were studied by using Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) anterograde tracing technique in the rat. PHA-L injections into the rostral part of the BLA resulted in a dense labeling of fibers with boutons in the dorsal bank of the rhinal fissure and in the lateral and the medial agranular cortex. PHA-L injections into the caudal part of the BLA produced a dense labeling of fibers in the medial surface of the frontal cortex. In most of the cortical regions, labeled fibers were predominantly distributed in two bands: one in the deep part of layers I and II and the other, heavier band, in layers V and VI. PHA-L injections into the rostral BLA resulted in a dense labeling of fibers with boutons in the olfactory tubercle, the rostral and caudolateral portion of the nucleus accumbens, and a large region of the caudate-putamen. The labeled area of the caudate-putamen included the rostroventral area, the central area, and the area caudal to the anterior commissure and dorsal and lateral to the globus pallidus. PHA-L injections into the caudal BLA produced fiber labeling in the most rostromedial area of the caudate-putamen facing the lateral ventricle, the medial portion of the nucleus accumbens, and the lateral septum. In the rostroventral striatum, PHA-L-labeled fibers selectively innervated the matrix compartment that contains abundant somatostatin-immunoreactive fibers. Compartmental segregation was less clear in the caudodorsolateral caudate-putamen and in the nucleus accumbens. Electron microscopy revealed that PHA-L-labeled boutons in the striatum contained abundant, small, round vesicles. These boutons formed asymmetrical synapses with dendritic spines of striatal neurons.

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