
1. Amygdaloid afferent inputs from the median eminence and the medial preoptic area were studied electrophysiologically in urethane-anaesthetized female rats.2. Stimulation of the surface of the median eminence produced orthodromic responses in about 80% of the forty-seven amygdala units tested and about 65% of the responsive cells showed an excitation.3. Stimulation of the ipsilateral medial preoptic area orthodromically excited seventeen and inhibited twenty of the forty-nine units tested.4. Stimulation of the contralateral medial preoptic area evoked orthodromic excitation in nine and inhibition in three of the twenty-two units tested. These stimuli were ineffective for producing antidromically conducted impulses in the tested units.5. Sixteen of the thirty amygdala units tested for responses to both median eminence and ipsilateral medial preoptic area stimulation responded orthodromically with either excitation or inhibition. The latency of the response to median eminence stimulation was approximately equal to that of the response to ipsilateral preoptic area stimulation in four of these sixteen units.6. A characteristic bursting discharge was observed in eleven amygdala units during and after ipsilateral preoptic area stimulation. A transitory inhibition was evoked simultaneously with the bursting discharge in some units. Seven of the eleven units were also tested for median eminence stimulation, and a transitory excitation was observed in each of these units.7. These results suggest the existence of converging synaptic inputs both from tuberoinfundibular neurones and the ipsilateral medial preoptic area to certain amygdala neurones. They also demonstrate the existence of a specific neural pathway mediating a characteristic self-sustained bursting discharge in some amygdala neurones after such stimulation.

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