
Amyand's hernia is a very rare type of hernia and is characterised by the presence of a vermiform appendix in the inguinal hernia sac. It may present as a tender inguinal or inguinoscrotal swelling, and is usually misdiagnosed as an irreducible or strangulated inguinal hernia. This is a presentation of our experiences with these unusual hernias. This study conducted a retrospective analysis of 21 patients with Amyand's hernias operated on at our institution between April 2007 and February 2011. The age and sex distributions of the patients, the types of hernias, and preoperative diagnostic tests were evaluated. Twenty patients were male (95.3%) and one was female (4.7%). The median age was 20.3months (ranging from 2months to 10years). In nine patients, the conditions were diagnosed using ultrasonographic (USG) imaging preoperatively. Nine of the 21 patients underwent emergency operations. The 12 remaining patients were operated on after preparations were completed. The operative findings included 12 normal appendixes, five inflamed appendixes, one perforated appendix, and three hernias whose inner hernia sac surface was adhered to the appendix. Nine patients underwent inguinal hernia repair with appendectomy, and 12 patients had hernia repair without an appendectomy. Recurring hernias and appendicitis were not detected in any patients within the follow-up time. Although a routine appendectomy is not required for a normal-looking appendix, in a case where the inflammatory status of the appendix adheres to the surface of the hernia sac, an appendectomy is required. We believe that USG examination in the diagnosis of Amyand's hernias can provide additional contribution.

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