
Abstract. Agricultural stewardship is the careful utilization of agricultural and natural resources to prevent depletion. Development and use of a smart device mobile application educates schools, farmers, and the community about farm stewardship and environmental conservation on the farm. The goal is educating farmers, academia, and community members, of farming sustainably today, and for the future. People are equipped with smartphones and tablets, whether in the classroom, on the farm, downtown in the office, or anywhere they go. With these devices available, a mobile app can be utilized to encourage and foster agricultural stewardship and sustainable farming. A fact of life is people need food to live, and to continue to produce the amount of food needed to feed all people, sustainable farming practices are needed. A mobile application is developed and is used to teach academia, farmers, and community members about sustainable farming and stewardship practices. The app is used as a tool to aid people in farming sustainably, teaching agricultural stewardship, and teaching environmental conservation. The app is evaluated with adaptation of 85.1%, frequency of use at 0.12 respondents/minute, and 22 respondents said they find the SmartFarm DSS as beneficial.

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