
A fundamental problem associated with event identification lies in deriving corrections that remove path and earthquake source effects on regional phase amplitudes used to construct discriminants. Our goal is to derive a set of physically based corrections that are independent of magnitude and distance, and amenable to multivariate discrimination by extending the technique described in Taylor and Hartse (1998). For a given station and source region, a number of well-recorded earthquakes is used to estimate source and path corrections. The source model assumes a simple Brune (1970) earthquake source that has been extended to handle non-constant stress drop. The discrimination power in using corrected amplitudes lies in the assumption that the earthquake model will provide a poor fit to the signals from an explosion. The propagation model consists of a frequency-independent geometrical spreading and frequency-dependent power law Q. A grid search is performed simultaneously at each station for all recorded regional phases over stress-drop, geometrical spreading, and frequency-dependent Q to find a suite of good-fitting models that remove the dependence on m b and distance. Seismic moments can either be set to pre-determined values or estimated through inversion and are tied to m b through two additional coefficients. We also solve for frequency-dependent site/phase excitation terms. Once a set of corrections is derived, effects of source scaling and distance as a function of frequency are applied to amplitudes from new events prior to forming discrimination ratios. Thus, all the corrections are tied to just m b (or M 0) and distance and can be applied very rapidly in an operational setting. Moreover, phase amplitude residuals as a function of frequency can be spatially interpolated (e.g., using kriging) and used to construct a correction surface for each phase and frequency. The spatial corrections from the correction surfaces can then be applied to the corrected amplitudes based only on the event location. The correction parameters and correction surfaces can be developed offline and entered into an online database for pipeline processing providing multivariate-normal corrected amplitudes for event identification. Examples are shown using events from western China recorded at the station MAKZ.

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