
abstract Feminist advocacy aims to influence and change key decision-making processes, policies and practices that infringe on women’s rights. It analyses patriarchy and how it is linked to the structures and relationships of power between men and women that perpetuate violence and poverty (Evans 2005). A discussion held by young feminists based in South Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, and Kenya explored the meaning of feminist advocacy, their experiences in meaningful participation and contribution to global, regional, and national processes. They shared the challenges they continue to face and areas where they require support to effectively engage and influence feminist spaces and agendas. It was agreed strengthening capacities of young feminists to effectively engage and get involved in feminist advocacy at the different levels and creating safe online spaces for engagement are central to the Challenging Patriarchy Project in which they participate. Advocacy that the project contributes to includes owning, and influencing regional and international feminist spaces and planning joint young feminist advocacy initiatives across the region. Limited understanding of policy instruments at different levels and inadequate financial resources are key challenges hindering effective and meaningful engagement in advocacy by young feminists and women's movements in the different countries. The need for prioritised and stepped-up funding for feminist advocacy – including for Capacity Strengthening Programmes and initiatives – were seen as an essential component of ensuring that young feminist advocates are at the forefront of change making and challenging patriarchy.

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