
In 2005 in sublittoral zone of Koryak coast 79 species of amphipods belonged to 43 genera, 20 families and two suborders are revealed. The main part of the fauna was endemics of Pacific boreal area. The biomass varied from the several 100-th shares of gram to 15.6 g/m2. The maximum biomass of amphipods at population density 230 ind./m2 was registered at Cape Hajtyrka. The average biomass was 2.0 ± 0.6 g/m2 or 0.4% from the total biomass of a benthos. In places of amphipods accumulations their part in the total biomass of a benthos could reach 56.9%. Quantity indicators of amphipods on a shelf of Koryak coast above, than in Anadyr Bay. In different places of the investigated water area dominating species was different (Atylus bruggeni, Pontogeneia rostrata, Anisogammarus pugettensis, Caprella paulina). Rigid soil are extended on main parts of water area of narrow geosynclinal shelf of Koryak coast, mobile filter feeder, building small houses-tubes in thickness of a soil (Byblis erythrops, Ampelisca macrocephala and some other) had here no such wide development as in of Anadyr Bay. The shelf of Koryak coast distinguishes from the other areas of the Far East seas by small species wealth of amphipods at the stations – basically no more than five species.


  • AMPHIPODS, TAXONOMICAL COMPOSITION, ZOOGEOGRAPHY, BIOMASS, DENSITY OF SETTLEMENTS In 2005 in sublittoral zone of Koryak coast 79 species of amphipods belonged to 43 genera, 20 families and two suborders are revealed

  • In places of amphipods accumulations their part in the total biomass of a benthos could reach 56.9%

  • Rigid soil are extended on main parts of water area of narrow geosynclinal shelf of Koryak coast, mobile filter feeder, building small houses-tubes in thickness of a soil (Byblis erythrops, Ampelisca macrocephala and some other) had here no such wide development as in of Anadyr Bay

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Было выполнено 53 станции в диапазоне глубин 19–201 м (в основном 30–100 м). Константинова (1972), после чего была сделана карта грунтов Для каждой станции проводили взвешивание и подсчет числа экземпляров животных, фиксированных 4%-м формалином и высушенных на фильтровальной бумаге до такого состояния, когда они переставали оставлять на ней мокрые пятна. Сырую массу тела животных взвешивали на торсионных весах с точностью до 1 мг, а затем делали пересчет общей биомассы и плотности поселения особей на 1 м2 поверхности дна. Величина средней биомассы и плотности поселения макрозообентоса и амфипод всей обследованной акватории подсчитана как средняя арифметическая этих показателей на всех станциях. Карты распределения биомассы и плотности поселения построены с помощью графической программы Surfer методом Kriging, таблицы и вычисления сделаны в программе Excel.

Zoogeographic complex
Зоогеографический комплекс Zoogeographic complex видов Number of species
Амфиподы в составе сублиторальных сообществ корякского побережья
Astarte borealis*
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