
The Cerrado encompasses ca. 2 million km² in Brazil. Most Cerrado areas have been greatly disturbed in the past decades. Only 20% of this biome remain undisturbed, and only 1.2% is protected. Knowledge on the biology and diversity of Cerrado amphibian assemblages is still incipient. Here we present natural history information (habitat use and reproductive activity) of 28 species of frogs from the Estação Ecológica de Itirapina (EEI), and compare the composition of this assemblage with those of other Cerrado areas, other open areas, and a few forest areas throughout Brazil. We demonstrate that the Itirapina assemblage is more similar to those of other open areas than to those of forests, even when the latter are geographically closer. Six species occurred in the gallery forest at varying levels of dependence (three independent, two semi-dependent, and one totally dependent) while all other species occurred exclusively in open areas. For most species at EEI, reproduction was strongly synchronized with the onset of the rainy season, with the exception of Hypsiboas lundii, which called throughout the year, and Proceratophrys sp. which started calling prior to the beginning of the rainy season. The spatial and temporal patterns observed in this assemblage seem to reflect both ecological (e. g. hydroperiod of water bodies) and historical factors (e. g. early breeding in leptodactylids, late breeding in hylids, both phylogenetically constrained).

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