
Abstract: Larval and metamorphosed Ferganobatrachus riabinini (Temnospondyli, Brachyopoidea), metamorphosed Kokartus honorarius (Caudata, Karauridae), an indeterminated karaurid (Karauridae indet.) and, presumably, anurans (?Anura indet.) are represented by isolated cranial and postcranial skeletal elements in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian–Callovian) Balabansai Svita of the Fergana Depression, Kyrgyzstan. The Balabansai vertebrate assemblage is one of the few faunas in which non‐lissamphibian temnospondyls, stem caudates and anurans occur together. The presence of a supraglenoid foramen and a complex strap‐like glenoid on the scapulocoracoid in Kokartus supports its basal phylogenetic position within the Caudata.

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