
<p>Soils are the main component in biogeocenoses. More than 30 types and subtypes of soils are represented in the territory of the Perm region (Russia); however, in the oil-producing areas, the main share of soils is Albicluvisols/Retisols, Calcaric Leptosols, Luvic Phaeozems, Greyzamic Phaeozems and Folic Fluvisols. These soils cover a large area of the Perm region and are the basis for the existence of typical coniferous-deciduous forests and forest-steppe biogeocenoses. In this regard, the question of the impact of oil pollution of these soils on plants, animals and humans is relevant.</p><p>The ecological safety of microbocenosis, phytocenosis, zoocenosis and humans depends on the state of the soil. Soil contamination, including pollution by oil and refined products, negatively affects the state of all components of the cenosis.</p><p>The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between soil type and the response of test organisms of various organismic levels to oil pollution, to determine the most sensitive criterion for assessing the safe concentration of oil in each type of soil.</p><p>As a result of the environmental assessment, it was possible to identify patterns between the type of oil-contaminated soil and the state of test organisms of various organismic levels. The use of direct experimental methods, as well as software products, made it possible to assess the impact of oil pollution in various types of soils on microbial and plant test organisms, to assess the impact on aquatic organisms.</p>

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