
Recent advances in high-pressure diamond anvil cell experiments include high-energy synchrotron x-ray techniques as well as new cell designs and gasketing procedures. The success of high-pressure experiments usually depends on a well-prepared sample, in which the gasket plays an important role. Various gasket materials such as diamond, beryllium, rhenium, and stainless steel have been used. Here we introduce amorphous boron as another gasket material in high-pressure diamond anvil cell experiments. We have applied the boron gasket for laser-heating x-ray diffraction, radial x-ray diffraction, nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, and inelastic x-ray scattering. The high shear strength of the amorphous boron maximizes the thickness of the sample chamber and increases the pressure homogeneity, improving the quality of high-pressure data. Use of amorphous boron avoids unwanted x-ray diffraction peaks and reduces the absorption of incident and x rays exiting the gasket material. The high quality of the diffraction patterns makes it possible to refine the cell parameters with powder x-ray diffraction data under high pressure and high temperature. The reactivity of boron prevents its use at high temperatures, however. When heated, boron may also react with the specimen to produce unwanted phases. The relatively porous boron starting material at ambient conditions also poses some challenges for sample preparation.

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