
Crystalline transition-metal chalcogenides are the focus of solid state research. At the same time, very little is known about amorphous chalcogenides doped with transition metals. To close this gap, we have studied, using first principle simulations, the effect of doping the typical chalcogenide glass As2S3 with transition metals (Mo, W and V). While the undoped glass is a semiconductor with a density functional theory gap of about 1 eV, doping results in the formation of a finite density of states (semiconductor-to-metal transformation) at the Fermi level accompanied by an appearance of magnetic properties, the magnetic character depending on the nature of the dopant. Whilst the magnetic response is mainly associated with d-orbitals of the transition metal dopants, partial densities of spin-up and spin-down states associated with arsenic and sulphur also become slightly asymmetric. Our results demonstrate that chalcogenide glasses doped with transition metals may become a technologically important material.

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