
The subject of the study consists of glazed pottery discovered from 2017-2018 excavations in Amorium, located in East Phrygia. The finds which also include non-glazed pottery were discovered from trenches and drillings and a few from the surface within the Interior Wall (IW) area of the upper city.Finds are generally small fragments derived from close levels in trenches. Therefore, the study method was to define the item groups via total finds, instead of a separate inventory for each find. Nevertheless, the elevation levels of the finds shown by the tables are close to allowable scale although the trench locations were different. Food serving items of daily life and fragments of kitchen related storage bowls with or without lids were made of red fabric. Finds were classified as Monochrome Glazed Pottery, Monochrome Sgraffito Pottery, Slip Painted Pottery, Green and Purple Flecked Pottery which is a subgroup of Polychrome Sgraffito pottery with reference to their preserved parts. Most of the finds belonged to monochrome green glazed pottery and the turquoise coloured were the least. There were some congregating fragments which belonged to Miletus Type pottery. The pottery groups examined in our study were consistent in terms of their forms. They were also analogous with Amorium upper city, Karacahisar Castle and the nearby Aphrodisias and Ephesos finds. While the technique and compositions of decorated finds represented a common taste with the finds of the above-mentioned areas, they differed in details. Finds from the Begliks Period dated from the middle 14th - early 15th centuries. For the Miletus Type bowl found in Amorium, like its counterparts, dated probably from the middle 14th - 15th centuries. Though more detailed analyses are necessary regarding the place of production for pottery finds, Amorium and the nearby area was potentially the place of production according to both raw material and tradition.

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