
The innovation introduced by Vatican Council II about the research on marriage led great changes in the 1983 edition of the Canon Law of the Catholic Church. The former 1917 Canon Law the purpose and the essence of marriage lacked well-defined boundaries; indeed, the two concepts were often confused. Marriage was only viewed as a contract with a purpose. The personalistic vision developed by the Vatican Council introduced a new conception of the essence of marriage. Marital love became the centre of married life while the path of the spouses in married life is seen as a spiritual and factual growth in love. In full compliance with the conciliar teaching, the post synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia of Pope Francis confers to “elementum amoris” a historical connotation, a present and a future in the growth of family and matrimonial life. Marriage becomes fulfilment of God’s plan for man.

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