
The WHO/PAHO/UNESCO Consultation Meeting of Experts on Amoebiasis was held 28–29 January 1997 in Mexico City, Mexico. It was attended by 18 delegates from seven countries and two members from the WHO/PAHO Secretariat. J.P. Ackers and A. Martinez-Palomo (Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico) acted as co-chairmen. C.G. Clark was rapporteur of the meeting. WHO and PAHO representatives were L. Savioli and G. Schmunis, respectively. We thank the following Mexican institutions for their support: Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, El Colegio Nacional, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Secretaria de Salud, and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

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