
This review of human amoebiasis is based on the most current knowledge of pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and Entamoeba/microbiota interactions. The most relevant findings during this last decade about the Entamoeba parasite and the disease are related to the possibility of culturing trophozoites of different isolates from infected individuals that allowed the characterization of the multiple pathogenic mechanisms of the parasite and the understanding of the host-parasite relationship in the human. Second, the considerable advances in molecular biology and genetics help us to analyze the genome of Entamoeba, their genetic diversity, and the association of specific genotypes with the different amoebic forms of human amoebiasis. Based on this knowledge, culture and/or molecular diagnostic strategies are now available to determine the Entamoeba species and genotype responsible for invasive intestinal or extraintestinal amoebiasis cases. Likewise, the extensive knowledge of the immune response in amoebiasis with the appearance of new technologies made it possible to design diagnostic tools now available worldwide. Finally, the understanding of the interaction between the Entamoeba species and the intestinal microbiota aids the understanding of the ecology of this parasite in the human environment. These relevant findings will be discussed in this review.

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