
To report the surgical treatment of a case with epidermolysis bullosa. A 12-year-old girl with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa presented to our clinic with a symblepharon connecting the lateral half of the left upper lid to the upper temporal quadrant of the cornea. The central cornea exhibited diffuse opacity and vascularization. During surgery, the symblepharon was lysed, and lamellar keratectomy was performed. The operated portion of cornea and palpebral conjunctiva was covered with amniotic membrane to promote healing. Fourteen months later, the operated eyelid margin was normal and the eye was fully mobile. The temporal portion of the corneal stroma was still thinner than normal and showed mild superficial vascularization and opacification. We believe that amniotic membrane transplantation is a valuable way to treat symblepharon in cases of epidermolysis bullosa.

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