
To the Editor.— The importance of early diagnosis of trophoblastic tumors, in order to prevent a drastic outcome, is stressed by Hsu in a review of a large series of cases of trophoblastic disease. 1 Nevertheless, difficulties in the diagnosis of molar pregnancy by available clinical means and laboratory methods are frequently emphasized. 2 It is natural, therefore, that with the introduction of aqueous contrast media, and acceptance of amniocentesis, there is a renewed interest in amniography for diagnosis of hydatid mole. Menees et al first employed amniography in 1930 for placental localization. 3 Torres and Pelegrina, 4 Goldstein and Reid, 5 and others 6 described a method which utilized a radiologic technique and which yielded definitive diagnosis in such cases. The following cases afforded the opportunity for corroborative study. Report of a Case.—Case 1.— A 19-year-old primigravida was admitted because of vaginal bleeding following a period of

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