
The ammonite biostratigraphy of the 279.35 m of sediments of mid-Late Albian–Early Albian age traversed by the Kirchrode II (1/94) boring is described. The borehole was drilled in the Hermann-Löns Park, Kirchrode (Hannover), northwest Germany, in the central region of the Lower Saxony sedimentary basin. The core commenced within the Kirchrode Mergel Member of the Gault Formation in sediments of Callihoplites auritus Subzone age and showed a Late Albian ammonite zonal succession similar to that previously described by Wiedmann and Owen from the lower part of the nearby Kirchrode I (1/91) core, with which it is correlated. The thick underlying clay sediments of the Minimus Ton Member (Middle Albian–late Early Albian) provided a relatively sparse ammonite fauna. In the Middle Albian part of the sediment succession, several hiatuses are present and only sediments of the lower Euhoplites loricatus Zone ( Anahoplites intermedius Subzone) and the Hoplites dentatus Zone ( Hoplites spathi Subzone) have been identified. This is followed downward by a thick sedimentary succession through the upper part of the Early Albian Douvilleiceras mammillatum Superzone ( Otohoplites auritiformis Zone). Earlier mammillatum and perhaps latest Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone portions of the core straddling the Minimus Ton/Schwicheldt Ton boundary, did not yield ammonites. The underlying sediments at the top of the Schwicheldt Ton Member, consist of dark clays and mudstones with a good representation of the Leymeriella ( Neoleymeriella) regularis Subzone and the uppermost part of the Leymeriella acuticostata Subzone ( Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone). Of particular importance is the succession through the sediments of the L. ( N.) regularis Subzone, hitherto poorly known in north Germany. A brief comparison and correlation is made with other surface and borehole sections in northern Germany and elsewhere. The Boreal and more cosmopolitan Tethyan elements of the fauna are indicated and discussed. An appendix of ammonites obtained from the Mittellandkanal section at Misburg of latest Albian, Arraphoceras ( Praeschloenbachia) briacensis Subzone age, completes the study.

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