
This research aims to utilize ammoniated of banana stems feed technology as a nutritious alternative feed in the dry season in Merauke Regency. The study used a complete random design (RAL) of factorials using 2 factors, 3 treatments, and 3 repeats. Treatment of P0, P2, P4 and P6 for incubation lengths of 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. As well as T2, T4 and T6 for urea level amounts of 2%, 4% and 6%. The changes observed in this study were coarse proteins and coarse fibers by conducting proximate tests. The results of the study on the variety analysis showed that the best coarse protein was obtained in the treatment of 2% urea amount and 2 weeks incubation duration with a value of 26.03%. Coarse fiber is best at 2% treatment and incubation length of 6 weeks with a value of 8.42%. This study can be concluded that the use of urea amounts of 2% and incubation length of 2 weeks can increase the nutritional value in banana stems so that it is expected to meet the feed and nutrition needs of cattle, especially in the dry season in Merauke Regency.

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