
Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) RNA which was previously reported to contain poly(A) sequences (Agranovsky et al., 1978) can be specifically esterified with tyrosine in vitro in the presence of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase fraction from wheat embryos. All the three RNA components of the BSMV strain with a three-component genome (Norwich) and both RNA components of a two-component strain (Russian) can be tyrosylated. The poly(A)-containing (bound to oligo(dT)-cellulose) and poly(A)-deficient (not bound to oligo(dT)-cellulose) fractions of BSMV RNA display a similar amino acid-accepting ability. The nucleotide sequence which accepts tyrosine is coupled with the intact genomic polyadenylated BSMV RNA. The viral RNA isolated after sucrose density gradient centrifugation under drastic denaturing conditions retains its aminoacylating activity, which suggests that this activity is not due to the presence in a BSMV RNA preparation of a tyrosine tRNA associated with BSMV RNA. Inhibition of aminoacylation of the 3′-oxidized (treated with sodium metaperiodate) BSMV RNA suggests that the tyrosine-accepting structure is localized at the 3′ terminus of BSMV RNA molecules. It is shown that segments of different lengths obtained upon random fragmentation can be tyrosylated. The 3′-terminal (tyrosine-accepting) poly(A) + segments can be isolated. The shortest segments of viral RNA capable of being aminoacylated [i.e., containing both tRNA-like structure and poly(A)] consists of approximately 150–200 nucleotides. The analysis of the oligonucleotides derived from individual BSMV RNA components labeled with 32P at the 3′ end revealed two types of 3′-terminal sequences different from poly(A). It is suggested that a poly(A) sequence is intercalated between a 3′-terminal tyrosine-accepting structure and the 5′-terminal portion of poly(A) + BSMV RNA.

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