
β-amino acids are an important class of macromolecules. They play role in life for survival. β-amino acids gained significant interest due to their interesting pharmaceutical uses as hypoglycemic, antiketogenic characteristics, sterile and antifungal activities, anthelminthic as well as potent insecticidal characteristics. These are vital building blocks for the preparation of pharmaceutical and agrochemical target molecules. These are utilized in development of drugs, bimolecular structure and molecular recognition. They are also important in treatment of different diseases which are viral to human health. They play important role in regulation of nutritional metabolism and immunity. It has also led to their wider adoption as intermediates in new drugs and has been a focus of considerable attention in medicinal chemistry. β-amino acids have found extensive applications as components of biologically active peptides and small molecule pharmaceuticals. Synthetic derivatives of biologically relevant peptides incorporating β-amino acids often display interesting pharmacological activity, with increased potency and enzymatic stability. β-peptides participate in arrangement of incredible stable auxiliary structures. This review summarizes recent developments about the different roles of β-amino acids in human biology and some implications in medicinal chemistry.

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