
In recent years, many experiments have proved that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a variety of important regulatory roles in cells, and their abnormal expression can lead to the emergence of specific diseases. Therefore, it is greatly valuable to do research on the association between miRNAs and diseases, which can effectively help prevent and treat miRNA-related diseases. At present, effective computational methods still need to be developed to better identify potential miRNA-disease associations. Inspired by graph convolutional networks, in this study, we propose a new method based on Attention aware Multi-view similarity networks and Hypergraph learning for MiRNA-Disease Associations identification (AMHMDA). First, we construct multiple similarity networks for miRNAs and diseases, and exploit the graph convolutional networks fusion attention mechanism to obtain the important information from different views. Then, in order to obtain high-quality links and richer nodes information, we introduce a kind of virtual nodes called hypernodes to construct heterogeneous hypergraph of miRNAs and diseases. Finally, we employ the attention mechanism to fuse the outputs of graph convolutional networks, predicting miRNA-disease associations. To verify the effectiveness of this method, we carry out a series of experiments on the Human MicroRNA Disease Database (HMDD v3.2). The experimental results show that AMHMDA has good performance compared with other methods. In addition, the case study results also fully demonstrate the reliable predictive performance of AMHMDA.

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