
THE volumes which record the progress of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories since its commencement in 1867 contain much information of great value to geologists, as well as to those who watch with intelligent interest the advance of the wave of human civilisation into the far West. Each of them is full of fresh illustrations of the principles of geology, such as the dependence of scenery upon rocky structure, the order of succession of formations, the plication of mountain-chains, the phenomena of volcanic action, the functions of rivers and glaciers as geological agents—illustrations which have already to some extent found their way into general text-books and are no doubt destined ere long to be made in that way familiar even to tyros in the science all over the world. In each of them too we have such information as could be gathered as to the agricultural value of the countries, the practicable, routes for roads and railways, the mineral resources to be looked for, the facilities for general commerce—information which will probably serve as the basis for the future development of the regions into settled States.

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