
American basket option is a contract containing multiple underlying assets, and its payoff is correlated with average prices or weighted average prices of these assets on or before the expiration date. The type of option entitles a holder the right to trade at the strike price within a specified date, and this right can be waived. Therefore, there is a certain price to be paid for acquiring this right, which produces the problem of option pricing. A lot of literature shows that basket option price is usually cheaper than option portfolios on individual underlying assets. Based on this advantage, basket option becomes popular among investors. Consequently, this paper predominantly explores four types of American basket option pricing in uncertain financial environment. Specifically they are American arithmetic basket call option, American arithmetic basket put option, American geometric basket call option and American geometric basket put option. Assuming that these stocks prices follow corresponding uncertain differential equations, we derive corresponding option pricing formulas. Some numerical examples are taken to illustrate the feasibility of pricing formulas. Simultaneously, this paper discusses the relationship between option price and some parameters.

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