
Atlanta, Ga., April 9, 1905. <h3>To the Editor:</h3> —Our southern papers, especially those of Atlanta, are filled with announcements of the coming meeting of the "Anti-Tuberculosis League" which convenes in this city on the 17th, 18th and 19th of this month. The city council has voted $500.00 for their entertainment, and it is announced that there will be representatives from all the foreign countries, besides representatives from every state in the Union appointed by the governors. Since very few of the profession know the standing and status of this "Anti-Tuberculosis League" and since such an international convention will assemble so soon in this portion of the South, it has seemed strange thatThe Journal, representative of the medical profession of the United States, has not made some mention of this meeting and the profession thus made cognizant of such an important international event. Dr. Geo. Brown of this city is

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