
"American and Jewish Art Historians in Correspondence with Prof. C. Petranu (1893-1945). This article is part of the correspondence Prof. C. Petranu, founder of the education and scientific research in the field of art history in Transylvania and at King Ferdinand University of Cluj, conducted with prestigious American fellow specialists, professors, researchers, museographers, directors of publishing houses and magazines in this field. Among Prof. Petranu’s most frequent correspondents we can mention fellow specialists and researchers residing in the United States of America, as well as in many other European countries such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Austria, Germany , Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain and England, and even Africa (Egypt). The collection of letters seems to depict a genuine story of the evolution and stage of development of art history in the interwar period. Keywords: American correspondence, American and Jewish fellows, John Shapley, A.Ph. MacMahon, Helen Mason, Alfred Salamony, Trygve Barth. "

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