
HISTORY: 21 year old college softball player who presented with a 6 month history of amenorrhea thought to be due to overtraining and or birth control pill she had been taking in the interim. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GEN. NAD. HEENT- WNL. Heart- RRR no GMR. Lungs- CTAB. Abdomen- positive bowel sounds x 4. Extremities- No edema. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Pregnancy, Overtraining, Birth control pillls, PCOS, Thyroid disease, Prolactinoma, Ovarian failure, endometrial failure TEST AND RESULTS: Urine pregnancy- Negative, TSH-Normal, Prolactin-115.2, MRI Brain- 3mm X 3mm Microadenoma of pituitary gland. FINAL WORKING DIAGNOSIS: Secondary Amenorrhea due to Prolactinoma TREATMENT AND OUTCOMES: Patient was started on weekly Dostinex Therapy. She is tolerating therapy well.

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