
AbstractAlthough habitat selection has been studied in a variety of snake taxa, little is known about habitat selection in aquatic snake species. Additionally, due to their small size and secretive nature, juvenile snakes are seldom included in habitat selection studies. The Eastern cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus is a semi‐aquatic pit viper known to use ambush, sit‐and‐wait foraging strategies. Ambush hunters are likely to select habitats that increase opportunity for successful prey capture while minimizing predation risk and maintaining appropriate thermal and hydric conditions. We characterized the foraging strategy and microhabitat use of cottonmouths at Ellenton Bay, an isolated Carolina bay freshwater wetland on the Savannah River Site in SC, USA. We measured habitat characteristics of 55 ambush sites used by 51 individual cottonmouths located during nighttime visual surveys, as well as 225 randomly selected sites within our search area. Cottonmouths exhibited an ontogenetic shift in foraging strategy with juveniles using predominately ambush foraging around the edge of the wetland while adults were most often encountered actively moving within the wetland. Principal components analysis revealed that juveniles selected foraging microhabitats that were different from random and consisted of mud substrate with sparse vegetation, whereas adults occupied a greater variety of microhabitats that did not differ from random. Concomitantly, free‐ranging cottonmouths exhibited ontogenetic shifts in diet: juveniles consumed mostly salamanders, while adults ate a greater variety of prey including other snakes and birds. Our results highlight the importance of understanding how ontogenetic changes in coloration, diet and predation risk influence foraging strategy and microhabitat selection in snakes.

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