
The present study investigated the relationship between daily diary affect ratings and ambulatory cardiovascular activity in 117 male Vietnam combat veterans (61 with posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] and 56 without PTSD). Participants completed 12-14 hr of ambulatory monitoring and daily diary affect ratings. Compared with veterans without PTSD, veterans with PTSD reported higher negative affect and lower positive affect in daily diary ratings. No differences were detected for mean laboratory initial recordings or mean ambulatory heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), or diastolic blood pressure (DBP). However, compared with veterans without PTSD, veterans with PTSD demonstrated higher SBP and DBP variability and a higher proportion of HR activity (compared with initial recording values) during daily activity. There was a significant Time of Day x Group interaction for mean HR, with a trend for PTSD participants to maintain HR levels during evening hours.

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