
This article presents the literature review on medical emergency ambulance service. The problems related to the organizing and improving the medical emergency ambulance service continue to be significant and relevant in modern world that requires further studying. The author has conducted the historical analysis of the literature sources of the medical emergency ambulance service in different countries of the world. The effectiveness of various forms of the emergency medical care at pre-hospitalization and hospitalization stages are studied. One of the areas in healthcare that needs improvement today is the advancement of the emergency medical care systems. The problems related to the ambulance service of Osh city are highlighted. Examining the emergency medical care (organizational forms) outside the Kyrgyz Republic makes it possible to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the service and can contribute to its improvement in Osh, considering the experience of foreign countries. To reduce the workload of the medical emergency ambulance service, the need for optimizing the emergency medical care at the centers of family medicine is determined. The literature review methods that was used in this article are from the databases of the elibrary, cyberleninka, Medline on the organization of the medical emergency ambulance service in different countries of the world.

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