
To determine whether there has been a change in treatment practice patterns of patients with amblyopia between the late 1990s and 2004. A questionnaire survey was mailed to 1,200 AAPOS members listed in the 2004 AAPOS directory. Seven scenarios were presented that described patients with amblyopia and the clinician was asked to choose from six treatment options. Respondents were asked to indicate their preferred initial treatment in 1998 (or during their initial year of practice if later than 1998) and in 2004. The scenarios were not necessarily those of patients who would meet the eligibility criteria for the Amblyopia Treatment Studies because they also included scenarios to assess the impact of amblyopia treatments in general. Three hundred eighty-nine surveys (33.1%) were returned. In four of the seven scenarios, comments suggested that a change in practice was attributable to recent publications of Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group trials. In all seven scenarios, atropine would have been offered in 2004 as an alternative to patching in 1998, and in five of the seven scenarios the combination of simultaneous atropine and patching would have been prescribed. In six of the seven scenarios, some type of nonspecific near work would now be prescribed as an adjunct treatment. A change in practice patterns was observed for some, but not all, scenarios. In many scenarios, this change was directly attributed to the recent Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group trials.

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