
We review the findings of trials of mainstay amblyopia treatment conducted within the last 5 years. These have confirmed that an initial period of full-time refractive correction is beneficial in all types of amblyopia. Adopting this practice may allow up to 30% of children to avoid any further treatment. Studies that have investigated the role of atropine occlusion as a first-line treatment for amblyopia have shown “weekend atropine” to be as effective as patching for children with both moderate and severe amblyopia. Where patching is prescribed, 2−4 hours/day of occlusion appears sufficient to provide an optimum outcome for the majority of children, although those over 6 years tend to require a larger dose to achieve best outcome, their amblyopia being more resistant to treatment. Educational interventions such as cartoons and written and video explanations of treatment aimed at improving compliance appear to raise it to a therapeutic level in those who may otherwise have poor compliance or drop out from treatment. Formal, evidence-based practice guidelines for the management of amblyopia have emerged although their adoption by practitioners, at least in the United Kingdom, has been questioned.

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