
Amblyopia means literally “dullness of vision” and is defined as subnormal visual acuity in one or both eyes which on physical examination appear normal. This acuity deficit cannot be improved with corrective spectacles but, if treated early in life by occlusion of the fellow eye, is partially or completely reversible. Amblyopia occurs in 2–2.5% of the population and develops only during childhood; patients older than eight years are resistant to amblyopiogenic conditions. There are three clinical conditions that cause amblyopia: strabismus, anisometropia and form vision deprivation.KeywordsLateral Geniculate NucleusDorsal Lateral Geniculate NucleusCercopithecus AethiopsAnisometropic AmblyopiaAbnormal Visual FieldThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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