
We construct an ambitwistor string that describes Type II supergravity on AdS3×S3 with pure NS flux. The background Einstein equations ensure that the model is anomaly free. The spectrum consists of supergravity fluctuations around this background, with no higher string states. This theory transforms the problem of computing n-point tree-level amplitudes on AdS3 into that of understanding an {mathfrak{sl}}_2 Gaudin integrable system, whose representations are determined by the dual boundary operators and whose spectral parameters correspond to the worldsheet insertion points. The scattering equations take a similar form to flat space, with n(n − 3)/2 parameters τij parametrizing the eigenvalues of the Gaudin model.


  • We construct an ambitwistor string that describes Type II supergravity on AdS3×S3 with pure NS flux

  • The spectrum consists of supergravity fluctuations around this background, with no higher string states. This theory transforms the problem of computing n-point tree-level amplitudes on AdS3 into that of understanding an sl2 Gaudin integrable system, whose representations are determined by the dual boundary operators and whose spectral parameters correspond to the worldsheet insertion points

  • The scattering equations take a similar form to flat space, with n(n − 3)/2 parameters τij parametrizing the eigenvalues of the Gaudin model

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The classical worldsheet theory

We begin by describing classical aspects of our model. The bosonic fields of the model are a map g : Σ → G from the worldsheet Riemann surface to a Lie group G, together with a field j ∈ Ω0(Σ, KΣ) ⊗ g∗ that is a (1,0)-form on Σ, taking values in the dual of the Lie algebra g of G. Note J transforms covariantly under right translations, but is invariant under left translations This asymmetry arose from choosing to construct the action in terms of g−1∂ ̄g rather than ∂ ̄g g−1. Unlike a WZW model, we have {g(σ), g(σ )} = 0 in the ambitwistor string These Poisson brackets confirm that j is the Kac-Moody current generating right translations on G. After imposing the constraint H0 = 0 and quotienting by the associated gauge transformations, we should consider points on G that differ by right translation along a cotangent vector j that is m-null to be equivalent This shows that the (bosonic) target space of the model is really the space of m-null geodesics in the complex Lie group G, which gives the ambitwistor string its name

Type II ambitwistor strings
OPEs of the fundamental fields
Einstein equations from OPEs of the currents
The Virasoro algebra
Vertex operators
NS vertex operators
Bulk-to-boundary propagators on AdS3
Worldsheet correlation functions
Correlator of n holomorphic gluons
The Gaudin Hamiltonian
Completing the evaluation of the worldsheet correlator
General gluon amplitudes
Correlator of n holomorphic gravitons
Bi-adjoint scalar amplitudes
The scattering equations on AdS
Eigenfunctions of the Gaudin Hamiltonians
A Some properties of group manifolds
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