
This study evaluates formaldehyde (HCHO) over the U.S. from 2006 to 2015 by comparing ground monitor data from the Air Quality System (AQS) and a satellite retrieval from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Our comparison focuses on the utility of satellite data to inform patterns, trends, and processes of ground-based HCHO across the U.S. We find that cities with higher levels of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions, including primary HCHO, exhibit larger HCHO diurnal amplitudes in surface observations. These differences in hour-to-hour variability in surface HCHO suggests that satellite agreement with ground-based data may depend on the distribution of emission sources. On a seasonal basis, OMI exhibits the highest correlation with AQS in summer and the lowest correlation in winter. The ratios of HCHO in summer versus other seasons show pronounced seasonal variability in OMI, likely due to seasonal changes in the vertical HCHO distribution. The seasonal variability in HCHO from satellite is more pronounced than at the surface, with seasonal variability 20–100% larger in satellite than surface observations. The seasonal variability also has a latitude dependency, with more variability in higher latitude regions. OMI agrees with AQS on the interannual variability in certain periods, whereas AQS and OMI do not show a consistent decadal trend. This is possibly due to a rather large interannual variability in HCHO, which makes the small decadal drift less significant. Temperature also explains part of the interannual variabilities. Small temperature variations in the western U.S. are reflected with more quiescent HCHO interannual variability in that region. The decrease in summertime HCHO in the southeast U.S. could also be partially explained by a small and negative trend in local temperatures.

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